Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Adventures and Experiments into History

Over the past few years those we who work at the Homestead often wonder on thing... how would Laura have spent her days, the regular ones? We know how she spent her heroic day, the story that walked her into the history books and onto a chocolate box. Yet, what about the everyday stories that made up the rest of her life?
It is unfortunate that none of Laura’s correspondence remains that we may get a glimpse of those days. No diary has been left for us to diligently comb through. Instead of leaving it a mystery we began to research other ladies during the period, those who would have been Laura’s contemporaries. How did they fill their days? The more investigating that we undertook the more we wanted to learn!
Soon this research wasn’t enough and we decided that the only way to truly understand the life of Regency families was to dive into it head first. It was time to get hands on, despite that fact that these former norms are becoming lost to history; we were successful in finding a few instructors to help us in our quest. This blog will help to illustrate our trials, tribulations, and discoveries of everyday life in the regency period. What we have discovered so far is that these are not always easy tasks to take on or master. Without a shadow of a doubt life was hard back then, but one can surely find pleasures in even the smallest successes.
So join us in trying to understand the life lead by this fascinating woman and her counterparts. Our explorations into the generations past are what we will be sharing with the world on a weekly base.
For our introductory topic: some background information we have collected on Laura and her family. Stay tuned to find out previously unknown facts about this fascinating heroine.